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Submit an application

The "TO BE! Russia" Film Festival is an annual international competition of Russian and foreign films about Russia, its history, and its role in the global space.
1. Films produced more than 2 years ago must have a distribution certificate from the Russian Federation.
2. The film does not have to be a premiere.
3. The runtime should not exceed 120 minutes.
4. The content should not violate the laws of the Russian Federation.
5. The following types of films are accepted:
Feature film;
Debut film;
Short film;
Documentary film;
Russia through the eyes of foreigners;
Television program.
6. Applications it is submitted by filling out the form below or on the festival partner sites.
7. The entrance organizational fee is 3000 rubles, it is mandatory for consideration of the application. IMPORTANT: The fee is non-refundable and does not guarantee 100% participation of the film in the competition program of the festival.
8. The jury considers applications only after receiving the entrance fee.
9. Films in languages other than Russian it is recommended to have Russian subtitles.